Shadwen outfits
Shadwen outfits

shadwen outfits

It wouldn't be much of a Stealth-Based Game if they weren't.

shadwen outfits

If the attack button is used right before impact, it adds a little more horizontal leeway and an animation of Shadwen using her dagger, but it otherwise has the same effect as the goomba stomp alone. Goomba Stomp: Landing on top of guards from a decent height will kill them, including the heavily armored guards that are immune to backstabs.The mechanics on this are pretty loose, so Lily can sometimes make her way past partially-distracted guards if you keep ordering her to move forward. If she is seen, she will simply backtrack to her last hiding place. However, Lily is invincible and guards don't react to her in any way. Escort Mission: The entire game is technically an escort mission because there are many doors with levers that must be pulled by Shadwen and Lily simultaneously.Drunk with Power: There is no indication as to what the usurper king was like before he took the throne, but the guards' gossip paints him as a resource-hoarding maniac who is only tolerated because deposing him would start a Succession Crisis and civil war.Depending on the player's choices, the result could range from humiliation as his guards are played for fools and his crown is taken as payment, to the wholesale slaughter of the night watch and assassination of the usurper himself.

shadwen outfits

  • Create Your Own Hero: By attempting to kill Shadwen, the usurper king provides her with two of the strongest reasons to strike back at him - self-defense and revenge.
  • The town guards are only caught in the middle of this madness they'd be happy enough if the nobles just stopped doing anything for a while so the common folk could finally have some peace and stability in their lives.
  • Aristocrats Are Evil: The nobility and royalty are pretty much the source of everyone's troubles in this story: ordering assassinations (without paying), hoarding wealth and food, strong-arming each other, and threatening to start civil wars.
  • Her quest is one of equal parts collecting her rightful payment and revenge. She did so the usurper not only refused to pay Shadwen's fee, but had the whole forest burned down in an attempt to kill her. The short of it is that Shadwen, a recluse living in the forest, was hired by a usurper to assassinate the former king.

    shadwen outfits

    The backstory is never stated outright, but is rather alluded to during the "killer" path and by gossiping guards. The story and dialogue change slightly depending on whether Lily ever witnesses Shadwen murder any guards. Lily will automatically run between hiding places whenever she can do so unseen both characters must reach the end of each zone together in order to proceed. The player controls Shadwen directly, who can use her acrobatics, dagger, grappling hook, and other tools to misdirect and assassinate guards quietly. It follows the story of Shadwen and Lily, respectively a reclusive assassin and orphan child, as they travel through the city on a quest to kill the local king. Shadwen is a 3rd person Stealth-Based Game created by Frozenbyte and released in 2016.

    Shadwen outfits